Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Website/Twitter of the Week 5/16

News Site: The Star  

The Star is a newspaper published in Amman, Jordan once a week (every Thursday). It is one of two English newspapers in the country. It is owned by Jordan Press and Publishing Co. The paper covers issues ranging from international news to news about art, but seems a bit dense in the number of stories it provides. It is different in appearance from what we’re used to in the United States because the site’s front page consists more photos than print. Each photo is accompanied by a brief headline that the reader can click on for the story. 

Here is a link to the page within The Star website called “Quotes in the News”  This page interested me because it is just a list of quotes from different news pieces. The quotes aren't given with any context; the only information given is an attribution to the quote.


Twitter Site: Foreign Ministry 

This Twitter site represents the Foreign Ministry of Jordan. It is run from the city of Amman by members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Twitter itself is mostly written in Arabic, so unfortunately it’s hard to get a grip on exactly what is being talked about. The Twitter, though, links to news articles from the site petra.gov.jo, which is just a government run new and information site for the country. The site can be translated into English if you search for it through Google. 

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